Module 3: The Founding Era

 Learning about The U.S. Supreme Court

The answers below are to the following questions based on these two videos:

Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt. 1

Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt. 2

• What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know? 

Something I learned about the Supreme Court that I did not already know beforehand was a couple things. The ones that caught my attention the most were how there is a new picture taken every time there is a new justice. Second, is that on of the processes of deciding on a bill is that only the 9 judges are alone inside a room to make their final decision.  

• What is the most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court? 

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court in my opinion is that it ultimately has probably one of the hardest and most tedious jobs in the government system. The Supreme Court's main and most crucial job is to interpret The Constitution, and then apply it to every situation that they come across. I mean that's a really big responsibility. They have the power to accept or deny a potential bill or decision. 

• What was the most surprising thing you learned? 

The most surprising thing that I learned was that anybody in the United States can write a proposal to the Supreme Court. That means if one person went through the proper steps and their letter reached all the way to the Supreme Court's final decision, their proposal could possibly get passed. That is a very interesting fact in my opinion. They even mentioned in the video that an individual who is in jail could write a letter to the Supreme Court, and their letter would be taken just as seriously as if it were by the legal counsel. 

• How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

The video did not really change my thoughts on the Supreme Court as a whole. If anything it just made me more knowledgeable on the topic. I respect anyone who decides to take on such a job. I believe you definitely have to love something like that to do it for such a long time. The video even hints at it taking people about 3 to even 5 years to get used to the job. I also think that the process is all over the place, even though it somehow works. I do not like that it takes so long for them to make decisions, but maybe it is for the best. We are talking about law-changing decisions here.

Thanks for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it!
